Hello World!
Here are my Projects


This system is able to detect and identify multiple faces at a time. To do so it uses LPBH Algorithm. One can import raw photos or can Take realtime photos through the system. Consumes less storage as all the raw & imported photos are conveted to grayscale & cropped before saving to disk. Average Disk storage consumption for one person <= 1MB
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This is a Database Software/Module. It is entirely written in Python. It comes packed with all the basic and some of the advance feature of the morden world. It consumes less space & run time memory. It secure to use as all the data is encrypted before its written to the disk. It is used along with other software with minimum or no change at all.
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These are two projects which have only one difference i.e. In ROOT, all the data operation is done using querys (CLI software) & The TRUNK is the Module which can be used along with other softwares. Both of them don't have the security feature as they are ment to be upgraded as nessecary.
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PY-SQL Projects

There are many sub-projects which are implementation of SQl language along with Python. These Sub-project and be used along with different software with some or no change at all. All the sub-projects are well explained. Also Blueprint & Setup file for database is also included for each sub-projects
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